Gents Madrigaalkoor Nederlands

Super flumina

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Super Flumina

Romantic Religious Music from Belgium

Jef van Hoof(1886-1959) depicts in Tantum Ergo pious adoration of the Almighty, while in Aeterne Rex one hears the church triumphant.

Tantum ergo

Tantum ergo Sacramentum
Veneremur cernui,
Et antiquum documentum
Novo cedat ritui,
Præstet fides supplementum
Sensuum defectui.
Genitori, genitoque
Laus et jubilatio,
Salus, honor, virtus quoque
Sit et benedictio,
Procedenti ab utroque
Compar sit laudatio.

<< track 5 

Down in adoration falling,
Lo! the sacred Host we hail;
Lo! o’er ancient form departing,
Newer rites of grace prevail;
Faith for all defects supplying,
Where the feeble senses fail.

To the everlasting Father,
And the Son who reigns on high,
With the Holy Ghost proceeding
Forth from Each eternally,
Be salvation, honor, blessing,
Might, and endless majesty.

(Translation by Father Caswall)

 track 7 >>

© v.z.w. Gents Madrigaalkoor, 2010
Laatste aanpassing: 2 Mar 2010

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Gents Madrigaalkoor

Gents Madrigaalkoor
Albrecht Rodenbachstraat 124
B-9040 Sint-Amandsberg
tel: +32-488-295246